Monday, November 5, 2012

Day five NaNoWriMo

I'm looking at my writing so far as a zero draft. Day five I've done 11,113 words. I sort of cheated by plotting down ideas for my novel before I started, worryingly I have already used all my ideas and I haven't got to the 15,000 word mark.

I usually write about 800 words an hour. So I have been spending around two hours on NaNoWriMo each day. Already I'm itching to read what I've written so far but I know that will be a nail in the coffin. All I can do is press onwards and focus on that word count.

However, it cuts down on what I call my dreaming time, were I can gently let the story unfold in my mind.

Tonight is the first night that I'm going to bed with no idea what to write tomorrow.

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