Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Happy Email

I think I'm beginning to constantly expect bad news. I open letters cautiously and I don't like that about myself. I think you find what you look for and I writing is an occupation were you need to be optimistic to get you through the slumps.

So I was delighted to receive an email from Dom Kippin Portsmouth's Literature Development Officer informing me that I've been selected to take part in the Portsmouth's Book Fest. It's called 12 x 12, 12 writers are each given an opportunity to read their work out at The Central Library plus a Re Authoring training day.

Details of Portsmouth Book Fest are as follows:

'Portsmouth has a strong literary heritage including Charles Dickens, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and HG Wells and Portsmouth BookFest continues that tradition, attracting diverse audiences to exciting events featuring popular and accessible authors.

Portsmouth BookFest is jointly organised by Portsmouth City Library Service and The Hayling Island Bookshop. There is an associated schools programme organised by Portsmouth School Library Service.

The BookFest aims to promote both book buying and book borrowing especially amongst groups who may not have previously considered participating in book related events. BookFest uses a wide variety of venues, many not normally associated with book events such as sports centres, museums, night clubs and pubs as well as libraries and community centres.

We offer incentives to our audiences to sign up and join the Library Service as new members and we keep ticket prices low to make the events accessible to all sections of the community.

Portsmouth BookFest 2012
This will run between October 22nd and November 3rd 2012. Programme details will be announced in early September.'

I was pleased to see another member of The Writers @ Lovedean Joanne Mallon is also included in the 12 x 12. It's nice to have something different and new to look forward to.

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