Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Rubbery Book Award

The closing date for The Rubbery Book Award is approaching. This is a competition for an author published by an independent publisher, or by those who have self published. They do not accept unpublished manuscripts.

They accept fiction (all genres), young adult, children’s, biographies, non-fiction, self-help, cookery, poetry, photography etc. There are no limits on the type.  And the first prize is £800 and your work being reviewed by a London Literay Agent.  The cost of entering is a staggering £35.
It's not for me.  But it is making me think seriously of self publishing a self help book I wrote on spelling tips that was rejected by publishers because they think it is too small, but loved by friends who are parents.

The link to the home page of The Rubbery Book Award:

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